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Safety, Health & Wellbeing

Supported by

Dubai Municipality

The pandemic has changed the way we live, work and interact. New measures have forced us to reconsider how we keep ourselves and our environments safe. The Safety and Wellbeing hall is specifically targeted at the buyers and managers responsible for purchasing and specifying the very products, techniques and services that keep us safe.

Meet targeted buyers with real purchasing power

  • Facilities management, building management, business and operations professionals are core visitor groups for Intersec, with over 34,000 visits at the last edition
  • Buyer benefits – As these industries move towards new technological advances including smart devices, building automation, autonomous cleaning products and  more, visitors will benefit from crossover product sourcing
  • Maximising and increasing visitor footfall – Providing a larger overall event platform and more buying opportunities
  • At the forefront of business today – across every industry, we are rethinking safety, cleaning and sanitisation protocols and reshaping the ‘new world’

The growing safety and well-being section of Intersec provides a high visibility opportunity to showcase the latest products to keep us safe. Join 1000’s of global brands and reconnect with existing and new buyers.

Some of our confirmed exhibitors for 2022

Products - Resize (516)
People and Exhibition - Resize (579)
People and Exhibition - Resize (575)
Products - Resize (481)
Products - Resize (398)
People and Exhibition - Resize (810)